Supporting Students’ Spirituality at Kettering College

November 19, 2024 – Kettering College is a faith-based institution, so it’s no surprise spirituality is incorporated into our curriculum and conversations to help students grow personally and professionally. Like any component of well-being, spirituality is an ongoing discussion without a one-size-fits-all answer.
Judith Mendoza is the campus chaplain at Kettering College. She walks alongside students to help them uncover their own answers and encourages them to ask questions and share their concerns. Her office is in the Student Affairs office, and she leaves her door open for students to drop by when they come in for coffee, snacks, or socializing.
Questions about Faith
Students of all faiths or no faith have similar questions on campus, and Judith’s goal is to sit with them and help them be comfortable with talking about their spirituality and meet them where they are.

She says the most common question she hears from students is, “How do I know this is God’s plan for my life?” as they face this pivotal time of choosing a path. In addition to this question, Judith says students wonder how God could allow bad things to happen in life or if God is listening. Students question if they should go to God when others in their lives have let them down.
Judith does not dole out scripted answers or tell students how to feel. She says, “Sometimes we pray together, read the Bible, or simply sit in silence and wait for God to speak to us. I don’t claim to have all the answers; there are still questions I’m grappling with in my own journey with God. But I believe questions are important—they help us grow in our spiritual walk. More often than not, you’ll find that you’re not the only one carrying those questions in your heart.”
Spiritual Guide for Kettering College Students

Judith’s goal is to listen and be of service to the students. Often as she listens to a student, she prays for guidance on how to respond. She says, “It’s interesting how sometimes a student will come in with a question I was just reading about; it feels as if God anticipated their visit and directed me to a specific story in my devotionals that day. Other times, I may not have an immediate answer, but I let them know I’ll do some research and return with resources for them to explore. It’s a journey they’re on, and I view my job as a tour guide here to provide tools and guidance whenever I can.”
To be an effective spiritual guide, Judith puts prayer at the heart of her spiritual life. She says someone can have vast knowledge of the Bible and theology, but “without constant communication with God, all that knowledge is essentially wasted. I pray to connect with God and recommit my life and actions to Him. My hope is that through my words and actions, others can see Jesus in me. I’m human, so there will be times when my flaws get the best of me, but I get back up and try again the next day.”
Fellowship to Grow Faith and Friendships
Kettering College offers events to foster students’ spirituality and elevate conversations about spirituality into creating community. One event is the Weekly Collectives, which are held on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. at various locations to gather off campus and worship. This year’s theme is “Journey,” and focuses on providing tools, sharing personal stories, and celebrating the unique paths students take with God.

The Campus Ministries team is dedicated to supporting students and engaging in meaningful conversations with them at Collectives. All students are invited, and Judith sends out an email with the location of the Collective but also encourages students to follow the Kettering College Campus Ministries page on Instagram @kcministers.
Start the Conversation
If you’re a Kettering College student and would like to speak with Judith Mendoza, she’s in her office every Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., ready to sit with you and walk with you on your spiritual journey.
She invites all students to take advantage of having an on-campus chaplain. She says, “Come talk to me. You can make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and we can start talking about what your goals are, and you can ask any question you want. I can give you book recommendations or help you start a journal.”
She adds, “If you’re curious, the first step is starting and I’m here to help…I remember my own college experience, grappling with questions about God’s role in my life and transforming the faith I inherited into a personal connection. Now, I’m eager to offer support to students navigating similar journeys.”
About Kettering College
Kettering College is a fully accredited, faith-based healthcare college in a suburb of Dayton, Ohio, offering career-focused medical degrees through traditional and accelerated programs. A division of Kettering Health, Kettering College is located on the Kettering Health Main Campus and is chartered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.