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Hours: Sun.: 12:00n-10:00pm; Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00am-10:00pm; Fri.: 8:00am-4:00pm; Sat.: CLOSED
Click the tab for the type of resources you want to find:
Finding and Using Ebsco e-BooksBooks/Media
To search the WSU & Affiliates' catalog for books or media enter your search term(s), select a search option and click search.
Enter your search terms, select one or more databases, and click Search:
Help! I Need...
Need a pencil? Want to remove a staple? The library provides a variety of helpful resources:
On the Student Resources Counter by the RICOH printer on the main floor:
- hole punches
- paper clips
- paper cutter
- pencils
- pencil sharpner
- scrap paper
- stapler
- staple remover
- tape
At the Circulation Desk:
- charger cords
- course textbooks for in library use
- external DVD drive
- glue sticks
- laptops
- noise cancelling headphones
- pillows
- portable chargers for laptops, phones, and other devices
- portable DVD player
- portable whiteboard
- power cords for handheld devices
- scientific calculators
- scissors
More Information
The library provides access to an extensive collection of books, media, and journals in both print and electronic formats as well as numerous periodical databases and two online catalogs.
What the Library Has for You
Tour the Library
Accessing Periodical Databases
APA Citation Sources
Avoiding Plagiarism
Database Tutorials
How To Tell What Type of Periodical It Is
Need Help? Ask a Librarian
Contact Us
Students, faculty, and staff may submit questions by email to the reference librarian.
Dean of Academic Affairs
Scott Bennie
Reference &Instruction/Serials/ILL
Kathy Salgado
Phone: 937-395-8053 x6
Technical Services & AV
Pamela Stevens
Phone: 937-395-8053 x4
Circulation Manager
Stella Freeman
Phone: 937-395-8053 x3
Main Library Phone
Phone: 937-395-8053
Fax: 937-395-8861
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Off-Campus Library Access
Current Kettering College students, faculty, and staff are able to access library resources from off-campus. Click the link to the resource you want to access. A login screen will display.
Students: use your student portal login and password
Faculty and staff: use your network login and password
If you have access problems, please contact the Reference Librarian, Kathy Salgado.
Other Resources at the Library
I'm trying to access a resource and a green Kettering College login screen displays. How do I login?
Students: Students: enter your Student Portal ID# (kcs######) and password.
Faculty and Staff: enter your network login and password.
Note: If you have your Library login credentials saved and update your Student Portal/Netowrk password, you will need to update your saved password for the library proxy server. If you try to login to the Library proxy server multiple times with the wrong password, you will be locked out of not only the library proxy server but also your network account.
Locked out, don’t remember your password, or need help updating your password? Contact the IT Help Desk.
I'm trying to access a resource and am taken to a Wright State login screen. What do I do?
These resources are only for Wright State University faculty, staff and students.
I clicked the OhioLINK link to access a resource and it is now asking me to select my institution but Kettering College is not listed. What do I do?
Select Wright State University.
I selected Wright State University and now it is asking for my ID#. What do I use?
Faculty: use your network ID# without the k.
Students: use your student ID#
Campus printers also serve as photocopiers. There is a printer/copier on the first floor of the library. There is also one in the student lounge area on the lower level of the Boonshoft.
Printing/Photocopying is $0.05/page for black and white; $0.25 for color.
Is there somewhere on campus I can send a fax?
The RICOH printer on the first floor of the library has a fax line. To access the fax option, login and then press the System Home button. Several options will display. Select the Fax option.
The phone number must be preceded by 9 to get an outside line. Example: 9 937 395 0000
If the fax is being sent to a number outside the 937 area code, it must be preceded 91. Example: 91 888 888 8888
Group Study Rooms
There are group study rooms on the lower level of the Learning Commons.
Rooms may be reserved using the SmartWay reservation system.
You can make reservations on the panel outside the room you want to reserve, by downloading and using the Smartway2 app, or by using the reservation link on the library home page.To make a reservation:
For the database enter: ketteringcollege
For your login credentials:
Student: use your Student portal credentials ( and SSO password)
Faculty: use your network credentials (k# and network password)For additional help, check the KC Smartway2 Tip Sheet
While it is possible to make an anonymous reservation without an account, anonymous reservations can be cancelled by anyone, so it is best to create an account.
While a study room may be used without a reservation, please respect others’ reservations.
Interlibrary Loan
To obtain materials not available in-house or through OhioLINK, please contact the reference librarian.
Books & Periodicals
The library collection has about 8,000 books and 125+ current journal subscriptions. Back issues of journals are either bound or on microfiche. Bound journals are stored off campus. Contact the reference librarian about obtaining copies of articles from journals in storage.
Circulation Policies Loans
KC Books: 4 weeks
OhioLINK Books: 3 weeks
Audiovisuals: 2 weeks
Leisure Books: 1 week
Leisure Audio Books: 2 weeks
Exam Prep Guides: 1 week
Reserve Items: LIBRARY USE ONLY -
Kettering College materials may be renewed up to 2 times, if there are no holds on the item.
OhioLINK items maybe renewed up to 4 times. -
OhioLINK items: $.50/day; $50.00 additional charge for items more than 30 days overdue
Lost college library items: Replacement cost plus $10.00 processing charge
OhioLINK Replacement Fees: $125.00 plus processing chargePLEASE NOTE! Borrowing privileges are suspended when unpaid fees reach $10.00
Direct Borrowing
Students, faculty, or staff members, as well as KMC Network employees, must present a current, valid ID card to borrow materials. Students from SOCHE and OhioLINK schools with current, validated ID cards from their home institutions may also borrow materials.
Faculty Equipment Reservation Form
Faculty who wish to reserve equipment available through the library should complete the Faculty Equipment Reservation Form, save it, and then send it as an attachment to the Circulation Manager, Stella Freeman: