
New Student Orientation Days


Your Next Steps as a New Student Admitted to KC for the Fall 2024 semester!

These orientation days are tailored for incoming Kettering College students slated to begin their journey in the Fall semester. To participate in this event, you must have applied to Kettering College and received your acceptance notification from the admissions department. *Online students are welcome to join, although it’s not mandatory.

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email to Expect your New Student Orientation session to span approximately 1-1.5 hours to cover all necessary steps. The next New Student Orientation will be held on Wednesday, August 14. Click here and select an appointment time.


At New Student Orientation, we will have each admitted student register for classes, ask any questions about financial aid, make payments to be financially cleared, log into all student accounts, and complete all other enrollment items. We want you to be able to wrap up all enrollment business on this day so you feel ready to start the Fall 2024 semester.

Next New Student Orientation Date: August 14, 2024

Reminder: if the in-person orientation times listed above do not work for your schedule, there will be online appointments to register for classes.  Click HERE to access an online appointment if needed. Reach out to for any questions about finishing enrollment steps virtually and read through our Enrollment Next Steps page for a full list of items to complete before classes start. 


Alumni Enter To Win

Winning an Apple Watch, iPad, or Kettering Merchandise has never been easier. Click the button below to fill our the Kettering College Alumni survey and be automatically entered to win one of the two prizes below! Simple as that!
Sharing the survey when you’re finished increases your chances of winning. You get one additional entry for every other alumni member that you share it with and completes the form!