
Online RN-to-BSN Track Cost

With the opportunities available to nurses right now, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing is an investment in your future. Kettering College graduates have an advantage in job placement and are well-positioned for maximum earning potential. 

Kettering College is working for YOU to ensure you have a financial plan to make college a smart financial decision. Scholarships and grants are available. Our connection to Kettering Health also opens the door for additional incentives to ensure you start your career out on a financially stable foundation. Sign-up bonuses are available and our graduates have a 98 percent job placement rate when applying for careers within Kettering Health!

Step into success at Kettering College. 

Financial Aid is Available

Nursing needs YOU

Online RN-to-BSN Degree Track Cost

The estimated cost for the Nursing program is calculated every year and may be subject to change.
For the most updated information regarding cost, visit the link below: 

Estimates are based on averages.
*Fees and books are estimates only.
*Kettering Health nurses are eligible for an additional $75 discount per credit hour of tuition.

For more information on Kettering College’s Financial Aid Cost of Attendance, please visit our Financial Aid Costs of Attendance page.


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