
Kettering College’s Online RN to BSN Program One of the Best in the Nation!

Kettering College’s Online RN to BSN Program Ranked #3 in Ohio!

Many RNs are returning to school to advance their education to become BSN-educated nurses. To make this process more attainable, several colleges have created accredited online programs where students can go at their own pace to accommodate their already-established careers and lives.

Kettering College’s online RN to BSN program offers a full-time or part-time schedule where students can complete the program in 1-3 years. The program has proven to be beneficial, successfully taking students the next level of their career goals.

Our program was recently recognized as one of the best in the nation! has just released their annual list of best RN to BSN programs in the nation. Out of over 500 programs analyzed, Kettering College’s program has been ranked:

#3 in Ohio

#15 in the Nation

Schools are analyzed based on a list of criteria such as accreditation status, graduation rate, and student-to-teacher ratios. A complete list of how courses are analyzed can be found here.

“We are excited about this award and want to continue to lead in the online education community. We have received and are continuing to pursue quality matters certification for our courses.”

-Paula Reams, PhD, APRN, CNP, CNE, LMT

Kettering College Dean of Nursing

Now more than ever, online learning is a vital part of education. Kettering College’s nursing program is leading the way and helping to secure the future of nursing. Kettering College is home to one of the best online RN to BSN programs in the United States, and we are so proud of this accomplishment and our dedicated students.

About Kettering College
Kettering College is a fully accredited, coeducational college that specializes in health science education.  A division of Kettering Health, the College is located on the Kettering Health Main campus in a suburb of Dayton, Ohio, and is chartered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  Kettering College offers an Occupational Therapy Doctoral program, a Master of Physician Assistant, Bachelor and Associate of Science degrees, and certificate programs.


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