
Dr. John Nunes: A Man on a Journey

Dr. John Nunes, Online Learning & Continuing Education director, says he is on a journey. It’s a journey that he says “has no destination.”

It started to slowly begin in 2014 when he purchased an Apple watch. He soon realized he enjoyed working toward daily fitness goals and started exercising more, noticing the positive effects. His dogs, Neo and Kim Kim, caused him to start walking every day as he tracked his progress. He says, “My Apple watch is the monitoring tool that really got me moving. I got more zoned in within the last five years and within the last three years exercise has become a habit. I can’t sleep if I don’t get my exercise in.”

He walks three miles before work, and most days he averages seven miles of exercise. Whereas in the past, if he had a bad day, he might have reached for a snack and relaxed, but now if he has a bad day or is feeling down, he grabs his dogs and gets moving or gets on exercise equipment in what he calls “the dog and man cave” in his basement.

In addition to incorporating exercise into his daily routine, John began logging his food, a habit he has been faithfully doing for five years now. He has noticed that this has increased his mindfulness, which has led to better decisions. For example, he recently paused when he realized a piece of cheesecake at a restaurant had 1,300 calories in it and opted instead for a different dessert. He doesn’t deprive himself, but he educates himself and makes better choices that are still delicious. This way, he says, “I don’t have a meltdown.”

Between logging his exercise and food, John has been able to lose 70 pounds. He has done this not by looking for a quick fix or fad diet but by changing his mindset and daily habits and turning wellness into a permanent lifestyle he now craves. John says he has struggled with weight most of his adult life, but he now knows eating well and moving are gifts to his life rather than things to dread. Food is no longer the reward—a healthful life with more energy is the reward.

Time is something John thinks about while on this journey. He lost both his parents when they were close to his current age and the reality of getting older started to set in. He says, “I don’t want to die in my 60s. I want to be around my kids longer—I’m not ready to leave them yet. I have grandkids, and when I’m 80, I hope I can bounce their kids on my knee. It’s not just about having cardiac endurance, but also having functional fitness.”

He says having a good support team is key. Between his wife, kids, grandkids, coworkers, and dogs, he knows he is surrounded by cheerleaders who want the best for him. He says, “I know I can go back to where I was, and I still have a ways to go.” So he wakes up every morning and takes another step in this fitness quest, sticking to a routine and plan that has become part of who he is.

His kids tell him they are inspired by him, and since they share his genes, they are slowly seeing it’s a journey worth taking. He reminds them, “Don’t be perfect—just move.” Dr. Nunes says, “If somebody’s like me, I hope this encourages them. I’m a flawed specimen, but I see the importance of this journey, and I embrace it.”


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