
Rhonda Davis-Cheshire


Joined Kettering College in 2015

Associate Professor

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Doctorate

Indiana University

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Texas Woman’s University

Dr. Rhonda Davis-Cheshire is an Occupational Therapist with NBCOT Certification with a Practice Area Emphasis in Education and/or Research. She has been NBCOT certified for more than 25 years and has practiced in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. Dr. Davis-Cheshire received her Occupational Therapy Doctorate from Indiana University, her Master’s in Occupational Therapy from Texas Woman’s University, and her Bachelor of Science with a Psychology major and Art minor from Atlantic Union College. Her professional research interests include occupation and evidence-based practice as well as increasing culturally proficient practice. She recently served for 3 years as the representative for Ohio in the AOTA representative assembly.


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