Our Guiding Statements
Our Mission…Is what we do.
Kettering College, born out of Adventist faith, offers graduate and undergraduate degrees in health science. Upholding Christ, the college educates students to make service a life calling and to view health as harmony with God in body, mind, and spirit.
Our Vision…Is what we will become.
We transform lives through innovative healthcare education.
Our Values…Are essential to fulfilling our mission and vision.
We value personal and professional integrity and accountability in all relationships.
We value an approach to health science education that promotes advances in the effective practice and delivery of health care.
We value creative, future-oriented preparation of health care professionals to meet the challenges of providing comprehensive and compassionate health care.
We value spiritual wholeness and nurture personal spiritual growth.
We value and respect the dignity of all people as being made in the image of God.
We value being called to Christian service through the ministry of health care as a reflection of Christ’s unconditional love.
We value excellence in teaching and clinical competence evidenced in personal and professional growth.
We value promptness and effectiveness in responding to the needs of others.
We value lifelong learning as an integral part of our professional calling and personal growth.
We value social responsibility and service to others.
We value partnerships that foster enhanced service to our community.
Statement of Belonging
As a Christ-centric institution of higher education, Kettering College is committed to fostering a culture of belonging by treating all individuals with the love, dignity, and respect exemplified in the loving and healing ministries of Jesus. Following His example, we welcome and value each person as a reflection of God’s creation.
Learning Outcomes
Our Institutional Student Learning Outcomes represent the knowledge, skills, and attitudes fostered within the college experience. These enable students to be successful in their personal, professional, educational and spiritual lives. The learning outcomes are assessed within the academic majors and courses of study. The assessment results are used to improve the learning experience.
Our mission honors the Adventist view of health as harmony with God in body, mind, spirit, and service as a life calling. Our mission calls us to Christ-like service, and serves as the foundation of our four institutional student learning outcomes.
Each student who successfully completes their program-specific outcomes and curriculum will be able to demonstrate degree-level appropriate competencies in the identified domains for each outcome. Students will:
Gain self-awareness of their own faith journey within the context of a Christian Community and learn the skills to holistically care for self and others.
Engage in service and service-learning opportunities that have a positive impact on communities and that foster self-awareness.
Conduct ethical scholarship that involves gathering and evaluating evidence in order to draw and disseminate a conclusion.
Work effectively with and through others by recognizing distinctive contributions each individual can bring to forge superior solutions and results.