
Programs Goals and Outcomes

Online RN-to-BSN Degree Track End of Program Student Learning Outcomes

The online RN-to-BSN degree track graduate:

  1. Synthesizes knowledge from the arts and sciences and from nursing theory, practice, and evidence-based research to provide and to manage the health care needs of diverse community populations, patients, and families across the continuum of health care.
  2. Uses professional nursing judgment, informed by Christian principles, moral and ethical reasoning, professional nursing standards, and evidence-based practice, to promote health, prevent disease, and provide safe, competent, whole-person nursing care across the continuum of health care.
  3. Is a compassionate and conscientious nurse who serves humanity and the profession of nursing in the spirit of Christian caring.
  4. Uses written, verbal, nonverbal, and emerging technological methods to communicate effectively in the provision, management, and coordination of health care across the life span.
  5. Functions as a collaborative member of the interdisciplinary health care team to promote health, prevent disease, and provide evidence-based nursing care to individuals, families, communities, and populations across the continuum of health care.
  6. Incorporates leadership and management skills and an understanding of organizations to promote safety and quality care for individuals, families, communities, and populations.
  7. Designs care based upon an understanding of how regulatory policies and economic, political, and sociocultural forces directly and indirectly influence the health care system and professional nursing practice.
  8. Engages in learning-centered experiences that promote lifelong personal and professional growth within the scope of baccalaureate nursing practice.

RN-to-BSN Program Completion Rates (ACEN Program Outcomes)


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