
Where To Give

You can choose to support the areas and programs that are most meaningful to you. We encourage you to review the following options and designate the most important to you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Tina Howard at (937) 395-8607 x59560.

Giving options: Give Now


GIVING OPPORTUNITY 1: Kettering College Fund

Your gift to this fund supports the most pressing priorities of Kettering College, including renovating space, purchasing equipment, or supporting faculty continuing education, as well as other needs.

GIVING OPPORTUNITY 2: Kettering College General Scholarship Fund

Your gift to this fund will help a student pay for their tuition and fees.

GIVING OPPORTUNITY 3: Kettering College Student Assistance Fund

Gifts to this fund support students with financial need due to extraordinary circumstances. Your gift will help a student facing a health crisis, job loss, death in the family, or another unforeseen event.

Kettering Medical Center Foundation is the fundraising organization for Kettering College and works with you to make a difference in the lives of students and their future patients.

Help us continue the tradition of EXCELLENCE, SERVICE, and INNOVATION by giving back to Kettering College. For more information about how you can make your far-reaching impact, contact Tina Howard at (937) 395-8607 x59560.


Alumni Enter To Win

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Sharing the survey when you’re finished increases your chances of winning. You get one additional entry for every other alumni member that you share it with and completes the form!