
Update Information

Update your information

Be sure to notify us when you move, get married, have children, complete grad school, change careers, etc. Fill out the form below and we’ll make sure to not only update your contact information, but keep in touch with you.  As you all know, Class Notes is a favorite section of the Pacesetter Magazine and we also will be posting stories online. If a group of alums gather, be sure to send us a photo, you can always email updates or photos to

We want to ensure we have the most up-to-date information for you.  If you get a chance, make sure you use this form to do so!

Pacesetter Alumni Class Notes Form


Alumni Enter To Win

Winning an Apple Watch, iPad, or Kettering Merchandise has never been easier. Click the button below to fill our the Kettering College Alumni survey and be automatically entered to win one of the two prizes below! Simple as that!
Sharing the survey when you’re finished increases your chances of winning. You get one additional entry for every other alumni member that you share it with and completes the form!