Transfer Credit Information
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- Transfer Credit Information
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Transfer Credit Information
The Records Office will review all official transcripts received for individuals who are admitted to the College. General education courses approved and applied to the student’s program are viewable within the Student Portal. Students may request individual courses to be reevaluated by submitting a course syllabus to The transfer evaluation committee has final authority over determining all transfer credit.

Applicants may use Transferology to determine “Will My Courses Transfer.” Complete applicant files for applicants transferring pre-requisites for entry directly into a specified program (Medical Sonography, Radiology, and Bachelor of Nursing Pre-licensure) are evaluated by the Records office.
Our online database of course equivalencies can be viewed here.
Schedule an appointment with the Records Office
Appealing Credit Transfer
Once registered in Kettering College, students are expected to take their remaining courses at Kettering College. and to take courses as outlined in their program of study at Kettering College.
Current students seeking to take a course at another institution should find an equivalent course using Transferology “Find a Replacement Course” and submitting a request to the Records office by emailing
Current KC students who would like to appeal their transferable credit may use the form below. Please include a syllabus. Forms submitted with a syllabus will have a ruling within 5 business days.
Credit Transfer Appeal Form
If you would like to appeal for credit for a course that has been classified as Non-Transferable Credit you may use this form to appeal to your program and Records Office for an exception or course substitution.All correspondence regarding this request will be sent to a valid email address. Please email with questions.
Transfer Credit Appeal
Contact Us
If you have questions about transfer credit, please contact us! We would love to help.
Records Office Contact
Phone: 937-395-8689
Fax: 937-522-8099
Records Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Closed weekends and holidays