Convocation Ceremony Returns to Campus

August 29, 2023 — A convocation ceremony has been a long-standing tradition at Kettering College. It is a way to formally symbolize the beginning of a school year by faculty dressing in their regalia and gathering with students and staff to celebrate. Our Fall 2023 Convocation was held at Kettering Seventh-day Adventist church. The ceremony was the first in three years, as a result of the pandemic and restrictions.

After the faculty processional, Scott Bennie, dean of Academic Affairs, told those gathered that convocation ceremonies date back to medieval Europe, when a university was not a physical space but a collection of individuals learning together.

Dean Bennie said, “When classes were to begin, they would parade through villages and towns in their regalia, announcing to students that it was time for instruction to begin. And in that spirit, I join the faculty and staff of Kettering College in welcoming each of you – our students, members of our board of directors, and distinguished guests – to the start of another great year at Kettering College.”
The Fall 2023 Convocation started with a prayer, song, and a reading from the Bible in both English and Ukrainian to honor our large group of Ukrainian students who are studying with us.

Nate Brandstater, president of Kettering College, spoke to the group, reminding them we all have an impact on each other, and we never know how we can help another person. He urged everyone to not just focus on induvial success but to also avoid being in such a hurry that we don’t see and help one another.

After speaking, Nate sat down to the piano and began to play and sing, “Lean on Me.” Dr. Shanese Higgins, Occupational Therapy chair, and Gerson Hortua, simulation lab technician, joined him as well. Drew Kistler, Information Technology workstation administrator, accompanied on percussion, proving that our faculty and staff are talented in more ways than we might first realize.

The ceremony concluded with a prayer from Judith Mendoza, interim chaplain, asking God to be with everyone as we face the upcoming year, especially during any challenges that might arise.