
Form 1098T Information Available

Your 1098-T will be printed and mailed by January 31, 2025 by Heartland-ECSI. If you have opted to receive your 1098-T statement electronically, you will receive an email notification from ECSI with instructions on how to access your online statement. Students will need their Social Security Number to log in and view their statement. Students who have not opted-in will receive a paper 1098-T statement mailed to their home address.

The Student Information Website ( is available 24/7. This portal allows students to view valuable information related to their 1098-T statements, including how to access their statements online, steps to take to correct their SSN, what to do if the amounts on the form are incorrect and overviews of available tax credits. Kettering College’s school code is 2U.

If you have additional questions, feel free to contact ECSI at 1-866-428-1098 or

For more information on accessing your tax documents, visit:


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