
I Love Kettering College

At Kettering College, our community is more than just an academic institution; it’s a family with a shared journey of growth, learning, and support. As we approach Kettering College Giving Day, we invite you to join us in a heartwarming celebration of love and appreciation for this extraordinary institution that has played a pivotal role in shaping countless lives.

Share Your Story

Use this platform to share your personal stories of how Kettering College has made a positive impact on your life. Be it a favorite class, a memorable campus event, or a life-changing connection, your narrative adds to the rich tapestry of our shared experiences.

Express Gratitude

Take a moment to express your gratitude to a specific staff or faculty member who has made a difference in your academic journey. Your words of appreciation can brighten their day and serve as a testament to the profound impact educators have on their students.

Spread the Love

Encourage your fellow students and alumni to join the celebration. Share this platform with friends on social media using the hashtag, #ILOVEKC creating a wave of love and appreciation that resonates throughout our community.

I Love KC

Your Info


Faculty, Staff, Student, or Department Info

Share My #I♥ KC story

All messages are public and may be used in other Kettering College publications.


Alumni Enter To Win

Winning an Apple Watch, iPad, or Kettering Merchandise has never been easier. Click the button below to fill our the Kettering College Alumni survey and be automatically entered to win one of the two prizes below! Simple as that!
Sharing the survey when you’re finished increases your chances of winning. You get one additional entry for every other alumni member that you share it with and completes the form!