
Kettering College Hosts Interview Day for Nursing Students

Kettering College and Kettering Health human resources teamed up on November 5th for the third annual nursing interview day. The difference between this event and traditional hiring fairs is that graduating Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students can connect about job opportunities within Kettering Health and are offered jobs on the spot even before graduating from the Kettering College program.

At the end of the fair, a total of 27 jobs were offered to the group of eight Kettering College BSN students in attendance, each of which will be graduating in December of 2021.

Ashley Neu, Kettering College Director of Career Services and Student Development, states the College has a goal that 100% of their graduates leave Kettering College with a nursing job secured. “This event is just one of the many ways we try to make that happen,” says Neu.

In her role as Director of Career Services, Neu says she helps graduating seniors to prepare for this yearly interview day as it is a unique opportunity to have access to Kettering Health hiring managers, shadowing opportunities, and potential job placement.

Nursing student, Terry Asiedu, stated that this event provided endless opportunities and support for a new graduate like himself. “I am thrilled to have been offered the opportunity to job shadow in several departments” he said. “This will not only be a resume booster, but also a chance to show my skills on the floor. I’m looking forward to all the good that comes out of this event.”

Human resources talent strategist, Rachel Noble helps to facilitate this event on behalf of Kettering Health HR. “We recommend all qualified Kettering College nursing students grab their resume and attend these fairs.”

Another Kettering College nursing student, Kemi Coburn, recalled her interviews, “They asked many questions outside of education. They asked experiential questions as well as behavioral questions.” Kettering Health hiring managers stated they are seeking prepared and eager candidates to join their respective departments. These employers want to see transcripts, learn about the candidates hopes for their career, experiences in their career and their “why” for joining the field. Neu stated that the Kettering College BSN program is built to prepare students in these key areas, therefore KC students are strong and sought-after candidates.

The next BSN Interview Day is schedule to take place in the Spring before the next cohort of Kettering College nursing students graduate in July of 2022.

Our nursing department is dedicated to educating highly skilled and caring healthcare professionals in a Christian environment. The nursing program has been preparing men and women to be nurses for over 50 years. For more information, click here.


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