
The 2017 George B. Nelson and Margaret L. Rodenburg Award Recipients

The George B. Nelson and Margaret L. Rodenburg Awards were awarded to one undergraduate student and one graduate student, respectively, at the 49th commencement ceremony for Kettering College on April 29, 2017, at the Dayton Convention Center.

The George B. Nelson award is awarded to an undergraduate who exemplifies the mission of Kettering College and lives out that missions as part of their daily life: making service a life calling and views health as harmony with God in body, mind, and spirit.

Maria Mitter, a sonography graduate, was the recipient of the George B. Nelson award. Maria had been at Kettering College for 4 ½ years and viewed that time as one of the most challenging and yet productive and rewarding years of her life. She stated in her essay, “God has made it clear to me that whatever I do in the ultrasound field is work for helping Him and His people. In Matthew 25:37-40 God says that anything you do for His brothers and sisters you do for Him. I feel this verse encompasses the meaning of healthcare to me, and it emphasizes the importance of providing for others whoever they may be.”

George B Nelson Award Winner

Maria Mitter is awarded the George B Nelson award at the 49th commencement ceremony.

Each year, the selection process has Kettering College faculty from each academic program at the college nominate outstanding students for the George B. Nelson award. The records of the nominees, along with their essay, are carefully evaluated by the college leadership team and after full review, the winner is chosen. There were five nominees this year. They each received a monetary reward and certificate for being nominated. The winner received an additional monetary reward and certificate.

George B. Nelson was the founding president of Kettering Medical Center and at the 25th commencement of the college, he presented the first George B. Nelson award.

The Margaret L. Rodenburg award recognizes a Masters level graduate student for achieving excellence in scholarship and professional growth, for providing compassionate Christian service, for demonstrating leadership and an interest in his or her profession that exceeds customary academic requirements, and for a commitment to quality and lifelong learning. The award was endowed by Bill Rodenburg in honor of his wife, Margaret.

Margaret Rodenburg hands out award

Margaret L Rodenburg presented the nominees with a monetary reward and certificate.

The recipient of the Margaret L. Rodenburg award was Mara Kohls. Kohls graduated from Masters of Physician Assistant Studies program. Between college and the Physician Assistant (PA) program, she volunteered a year to teach on the island of Pohnpei, Micronesia and while in this position discovered the need for primary health care providers which led to her decision to become a PA. During her PA program, she continued to be active in missions, including be a team member on the 2016 Peru mission trip and then returning for a clinical rotation in one of the most underserved hospitals in Trujillo, Peru. She has been active in the Clinton Trott Society as a chair holder and helped to raise over $10,000 for the Good Neighbor House. Her faculty describe her as an exemplary student who is dedicated, caring, and has a passion for others.

The nominees received a monetary reward and certificate for being nominated. The winner received an additional monetary reward and certificate.

Margaret L. Rodenberg attended the commencement ceremony and presented the nominees with their rewards and certificates.



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