
NAMI On Campus: New Student-Initiated Group Has Officially Started

KETTERING, Ohio, September 13, 2017 – Kettering College would like to make you aware of a new student-initiated group that has officially started on campus. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has NAMI On Campus groups in many college/university campuses across the U.S.

As of May 30, 2017, Kettering College is now officially recognized as a NAMI On Campus organization. This effort was initiated by nursing student Margaret Smith, NAMI president, and the following nursing students: vice president – Natalie Younce, secretary – Bradley Stewart, Treasurer – Zoe Ting, coordinator –  Carlie Finley, and co-coordinator – Fifi Chujutalli.

NAMI on Campus is open to all students whether they have mental illness, or have a friend and/or family member with mental illness.

Mission: NAMI on Campus at Kettering College recognizes the stigma placed on mental illness, and is dedicated to providing education/resources/support to students.

Our Goals:

  1. Provide education and resources to students
  2. Let students know they are not alone
  3. End the stigma
  4. Help support each other and other students

Why We Started: Some of us struggle with or know someone with mental illness. We know that mental illness affects many people. We want to provide education and resources to students, and let them know they are not alone.

Faculty Advisor: Mary Matese


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