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Class Schedules
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Semester and Credit Hour Definitions
Semester and Credit Hour Definitions
The academic year at Kettering College consists of two 15-academic week semesters (Fall and Winter) and a 14 academic week semester in the summer, or the equivalent contact time.
The academic year begins with the Fall semester of one calendar year and ends at the termination of the following summer semester.
A semester is generally 15 weeks of instruction, including final exam week, over 16 calendar weeks. This is to accommodate holidays and scheduled institutional breaks.
The Summer semester is often accelerated and generally consists of 10 weeks of instruction, including final exams, over 10 calendar weeks. The equivalent amount of time is spent in face-to-face instruction during an accelerated term as is spent in a 15-week term.
Certain divisions (e.g., nursing; online, professional, and continuing education) may offer courses in two 7-week accelerated sessions within each semester. These seven-week sessions are often divided by a one-week break.
Graduate programs may have adjusted terms for the summer semester which may also affect break schedules.
The academic calendar is developed by the Office of the Academic Dean approximately 5-10 years ahead of time and published online and in the academic bulletin approximately one year in advance.
Program variations in the academic calendar, e.g., semester start/stop dates, breaks, duration, etc., should be approved by the academic dean and published in program materials.
Credit Hour
In a semester system, one academic credit typically means the course meets for one 50-minute period of instruction per week. This is considered to be one hour of instruction with ten minutes of that hour used for passing time between classes.
Therefore, a traditional three-credit course with no laboratory or clinical component will meet for three 50-minute periods or its equivalent.
It is generally expected that for every credit a student takes, an additional two to three hours of work may be expected outside the regularly scheduled class time.
Courses involving laboratory studies or clinical experiences have slightly modified credit values. A laboratory credit within the Division of Arts and Sciences may range from two to four hours of contact time. For example, a four-credit science course will typically meet for three 50-minute lectures and two to four hours of laboratory time each week throughout the semester.
Clinical credits within the professional programs usually exceed this ratio.
Lab and Clinical Contact Hours per Term to Credit Ratios by Program
Lab and Clinical Contact Hours per Term to Credit Ratios (by Program†)
DEPARTMENT LAB CLINICALS Humanities N/A N/A Mathmatics & Sciences 30-60 N/A MSN N/A 60 Nursing 45 45 Occupational Therapy 30 Level I: 40, Level II: 80, DCE: 56 Physician Assistant Studies N/A 50 Radiological Sciences and Imaging 30 120 Respiratory Care 45 80 Sonography 80 80 Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries†Additional information is available on each program’s respective webpage and/or materials (e.g., Bulletin, course syllabi, etc.)
Updated 01/17/2023
Simultaneous Registration (ACADEUM, SOCHE or Dual Registration)
Simultaneous Registration (ACADEUM, SOCHE or Dual Registration)
It is expected that students will take courses as outlined in the program of study. If a student has an extenuating circumstance which will prevent the student to follow the program of study, the option for simultaneous enrollment at another college does exist.
ACADEUM & SOCHE are cross registration programs which allow degree-seeking students access to academic opportunities not available at their home institutions to maintain their current home institution program of study. Approval is needed from the Records Office and the ACADEUM and SOCHE member college to register for courses.
Dual Registration at Kettering College (simultaneous registration at another college for the purpose of transferring credit to Kettering College) is not permitted without prior approval from the Registrar. Credits earned at another college while simultaneously enrolled at Kettering College without prior approval from the Registrar will not be recorded or applied toward graduation requirements.
For more information on cross and simultaneous registration, see the Academic Policies section of the Academic Bulletin.
Class Cancellations
The College reserves the right to cancel a class with insufficient enrollment.
Removal from Courses
The College reserves the right to remove students from courses for which they are not eligible to register, this includes courses reserved for majors other than their own. To request placement in a reserved course, fill out the form on the Registrar’s page. Requests will be considered and approved based on space availability.
Hybrid Courses
Combine on-campus class meetings with course activities completed via the Internet, are expected to meet at least 50% in face to face mode, and should have the dates of the face to face sessions identified in the course syllabus. Identified in the Course Schedule as Type “HYB”.
Online Courses
Consist of learning activities accomplished via the Internet. No on-campus meetings are required. Identified in the Course Schedule as Type “OnL”.
Registrations Dates for Current Students
Will be published on the website: Students who do not register in a timely manner may be closed out of desired courses.
Late Registration
Current Students who do not register by the end of the semester will be assessed a $100.00 late registration fee. If registration is not completed by end of the semester then current students must wait until the late registration date to formalize their registration.
Registration for New and Current Students
Please go to the website:
Registration Steps for New Students: Admitted Directly to a Major
For students newly admitted to a major will need to contact their department for registration instructions.
Registration Steps for New Students: Admitted to GEED/Major
For new students admitted to General Education please see your admission letter for registration instructions.
Financial Obligations for New Students
- Acceptance deposit must be paid before registration can be completed, this includes International Student Deposits
- Students may register once their Acceptance deposit has been paid. Then the student must pay initial $800 down payment or have financial aid in place to cover the tuition and fees for the semester (even with financial aid, the student may still need to make the initial payment) by the deadline for payment date (see website for semester deadline date) or be removed from registered courses.
Student ID Badges
- Photos for ID badges will be taken during Registration Orientation for new students starting the Fall semester. ID badges will be available for pick-up during Pre week.
- Photos for ID badges will be taken during Orientation for new students starting Winter and Summer semesters. ID cards will be available for pick-up during the first week of the semester.