
Kettering College Announces Fall 2020 Re-Opening Plans

As Kettering College makes plans for the fall semester, we are prepared to deliver a quality academic experience while keeping the safety of our students at the forefront.

As a faith-based, healthcare institution, our mission is to educate and develop our students to make service a life calling and know Jesus so that they can love others.  Now, more than ever, our mission is clear and our resolve to achieve it strong.

Two of our many strengths as an institution lie in our simulation and clinical training.  As a part of Kettering Health Network, our students are in the hospital with patients, learning and developing into excellent healthcare professionals and providers.  We are committed to providing quality learning experiences through simulation and clinical training–how we provide this educational experience will need to be adjusted because of the coronavirus pandemic.

As a result, we will be making some adjustments to our institution in the fall.  Here are those adjustments that we believe will still allow us to reach our mission and goals and keep students, faculty, and staff safe:

  1. A blended method of instruction will be used. We will have a combination of face-to-face and online learning experiences.
  2. Clinical training will be face-to-face at clinical sites and through simulation activities on campus.
  3. Laboratory work will primarily be on campus.
  4. Lecture or didactic work will be a combination of face-to-face and online delivery.
  5. The College will minimize the need for students to come back to campus for face-to-face classes after the Thanksgiving break.
  6. Courses have been changed to have students on campus in small groups and for shorter periods of time.  All classrooms and laboratories have been set up to comply with established social distancing and cleaning protocols.
  7. While on campus, students, faculty, and staff will be asked to practice hand hygiene and wear face coverings.
  8. The campus will be cleaned regularly with high-touch areas and classrooms being cleaned multiple times a day.
  9. The Residence Hall will offer only single occupancy rooms.
  10. Community areas, such as the Learning Commons, study rooms, the Academic Support Center, Career Services, the Writing Center, and lobbies will have a smaller capacity and mandated social distancing to keep everyone safe.
  11. Large gatherings such as assembly, convocation, dedications, and others will be either virtual or done with proper social distancing and safety guidelines.

Changes and circumstances may require us to make adjustments to these operating guidelines. We will communicate any changes to these guidelines to campus in a timely manner. The success of our students and the safety of our campus family is of paramount importance to us. Our focus on these priorities and these plans for the fall 2020 semester will help us to continue our mission of preparing our students for the divine calling of service through health care.


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