
Kettering College Receives CoArc Award 4th Year in a Row

KETTERING, Ohio, June 25, 2017 – On June 25, 2017, the Kettering College respiratory care program received the Distinguished Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) Credentialing Success award from the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) for the fourth consecutive year. 

Programs receiving this award must meet 4 criteria: They must have a substantial number of graduates who earn the RRT (Registered Respiratory Therapist) credential, they must maintain a low dropout rate of students in the program, and have positive job placement of their recent graduates. Kettering’s respiratory program met and exceeded all of these standards by a significant amount including 100% of graduates earning their RRT credentials. 

Respiratory care program Director and Professor, Nancy Colletti, PhD, RRT, RCP, a Kettering College faculty for 15 years says, “As a program, we are so proud to have been awarded this award for the 4th year in a row. This award highlights the quality of education we have here.

Dr. Colleti mentions that it’s satisfying to hear that Kettering graduates seem to be more successful in job placement due to their high passing rate in their credentialing exams. “We take pride in the fact that some hospitals have mentioned to us that they do prefer our grads. Hiring managers are requesting more of our graduates work at their facilities.”


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