
OTD Students Give Back to the Community

September 8, 2017 – Today, Kettering College’s Occupational Therapy program participated in their first annual “Kettering College OTD Giving Back to the Community” event. With the help of Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA), the OTD students had the ability to implement their desire to serve and enforce their program’s values of Christian service and civic engagement in a variety of places in Dayton.

This year, students assisted and encouraged artists who have mental and physical disabilities at We Care Arts, Inc. Some are helping with projects such as plant removal and trail maintenance at Possum Creek Metropark. Some are participating with social activities and light clean up at Friends at the Castle, a comfortable gathering place that supports people with mental illness and disorders. Other opportunities include preparing Halloween crafts at Kettering Recreation Complex, preparing and serving meals at House of Bread, and preparing care packages for Hurricane Harvey Care Packages.  

Take a look at how Kettering College OTD’s students are serving the community in their first annual service-day event.

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