
2022 Service Day Positive Feedback

The second annual campus-wide Service Day was a success! Student, faculty, and staff joined forces to serve non-profit organizations in the Dayton area to help them to better serve others. The weather was sunny and warm, and most importantly, rain-free.

Service Day chair Tuta Ionescu and co-chair Sarah Brandell were committed to building on last year’s inaugural event to make this a yearly tradition for Kettering College. The feedback from participants has been positive, saying it was fulfilling to take a day to not only learn about these great organizations and how they help others, but to roll up their sleeves and work together alongside peers and instructors.

Ionescu and Brandell have been gathering the stats from the day, and they wanted to share those numbers. Whether they were organizing spaces, cleaning, or doing landscaping, the Kettering College team made it a day of lifting others up, and we look forward to continuing the work again next year!

Thanks to all the faculty and staff who took and shared photos of this great day!

The Service Day committee thanks everyone for their help in this impactful day of service to our community. We’ll see you again next year!


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