
2018 Campus Climate Survey

Take a brief survey about campus safety at Kettering College. Your feedback is crucial and helps us evaluate the effectiveness of the Title IX programming.

The confidential survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Once you’ve completed the survey, stop by Amy Moretta’s office for a sweet treat. You can find her office in G-95, right across from classroom G-98. For questions, email Title IX Program Coordinator, Amy Moretta.

Click here to start the survey if you are a student.

Click here to start the survey if you are faculty/staff.


Alumni Enter To Win

Winning an Apple Watch, iPad, or Kettering Merchandise has never been easier. Click the button below to fill our the Kettering College Alumni survey and be automatically entered to win one of the two prizes below! Simple as that!
Sharing the survey when you’re finished increases your chances of winning. You get one additional entry for every other alumni member that you share it with and completes the form!